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        Home / About SHFE / Institution / Subsidiaries / Shanghai SHFE Business Services Co., Ltd.
        About SHFE

        Shanghai SHFE Business Services Co., Ltd.

        Founded in 1999, SHFE Business Services Co., Ltd. (SHFES) is one of the specialized subsidiaries of SHFE.

        SHFES offers premium property management services and office rental services to venues including Shanghai Futures Tower and SHFE Zhangjiang Center, and is entrusted to provide infrastructure maintenance services for clients’ data centers. The company also provides SHFE Group with a wide range of services, including conference organization, branding, centralized procurement, comprehensive administration, and other entrusted services. Over the recent years, in response to SHFE Group’s requirement for centralized management, SHFES has proactively sought business transformation and kept expanding its business scope while standardizing and improving its comprehensive service management systems. Today, it has grown into a first-rate company capable of delivering all-inclusive logistic support.


        About SHFE