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        Products Specs Trading Calender Fees Rules Education Back to Top
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        SHFE Fees and Charges

        *The fees and charges are the total amount of price and tax. Updated December 31, 2021
        No. Category Basis Users Fees
        1 Transaction fee

        《Interim Rules on the Financial Management of Commodity Futures Trading》

        《Clearing Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange》


        CU: 0.05‰;AL: ¥3/lot; ZN: ¥3/lot; PB: 0.04‰ NI: ¥3/lot; SN: ¥3/lot; RB: 0.1‰ WR: 0.04‰ HC: 0.1‰ SS: ¥2/lot; AU: ¥10/lot; AG: 0.05‰ FU: 0.05‰ BU: 0.1‰RU: ¥3/lot; SP: 0.05‰

        Special rules may apply to the execution of transaction fee for some contracts. For details, please refer to the circular and settlement parameters.

        2 Delivery fee

        《Interim Rules on the Financial Management of Commodity Futures Trading》

        《Clearing Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange》


        CU, AL, ZN, PB, NI, SN: ¥2/metric ton;

        RB, WR, HC, SS, FU, BU, SP: ¥1/metric ton;

        AU: ¥0.06/gram; AG: ¥0.5/kilogram;

        RU: ¥4/metric ton:

        Until January 8, 2023: No charge(Including the exchange of futures for physicals and standard warrants transfer that are cleared and charged delivery fee by SHFE).

        3 Options transaction fee

        《Interim Rules on the Financial Management of Commodity Futures Trading》

        《Clearing Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange》


        Copper options: ¥5/lot;

        Natural Rubber options: ¥3/lot;

        Gold options: ¥2/lot;

        Aluminum options, Zinc options: ¥1.5/lot.

        4 Exercise/Settle transaction fee

        《Options Trading Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange》


        Copper options: ¥5/lot;

        Natural Rubber options: ¥3/lot;

        Gold options: ¥2/lot;

        Aluminum options, Zinc options: ¥1.5/lot.

        5 Option offset transaction fee

        《Options Trading Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange》


        Copper options: ¥5/lot;

        Natural Rubber options: ¥3/lot;

        Gold options: ¥2/lot;

        Aluminum options, Zinc options: ¥1.5/lot.

        Futures offset transaction fee(Options closing-out position Transaction Fee)is temporarily not charged.

        6 Posting marketable securities as margin collateral

        《Clearing Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange》


        Posting standard warrants as margin collateral: 0.1%(annualized);

        Posting government bonds as margin collateral: 0.05%(annualized).

        7 Annual membership fee

        《Interim Rules on the Financial Management of Commodity Futures Trading》

        《Membership Management Rules Of the Shanghai Futures Exchange》


        FF Member: ¥20,000; Non-FF Member: ¥10,000.

        8 Remote trading seat usage fee

        《Interim Rules on the Management of Remote Trading Seats of the Shanghai Futures Exchange》


        For FF members applying for the third or more (including three) remote trading seats and Non-FF members applying for the second or more (including two) remote trading seats, the Exchange will charge a system maintenance fee of ¥5,000/year (calculated on a calendar year basis) for each seat.

        9 Commodity registration and inspection fee   Companies that are applying for registration

        For details, please refer to the regulations on the registration of delivery commodities of each species.

        For all Data